About this business card template
The Netcore business card template has been crafted from 0.5mm stainless steel with anodized black which creates a sharp finish that speaks of the professionalism of your business. The two-sided laser engraving produces a subtle bronze highlight, which keeps to the straightforward and practical layout. This is the ideal companion for software and computing designers, creating a classic design which clearly and simply displays all the essential information. Receivers are guaranteed to recognize the expertise and focused nature of the company as reflected in the no-fuss composition of this template. It utilizes a straightforward design that doesn’t jeopardize the perceived quality of your business. The structured layout is used as a way of emphasizing the planned and no-nonsense approach of your company. Receivers will be getting a glimpse of the powerful expertise you hold through this card.
In need of some business cards immediately but don't want to order a large quantity? At RockDesign we are now offering laser engraved black stainless steel cards for those who are in a rush. These cards have a luxury feel, with out the luxury turn around time. Regular orders have the turn around time of 3-5 business days. Rush services are also available in as little as 48 hours however these print jobs are taken on a case by case basis. Please take into consideration before choosing our laser engraved cards that laser engraving is not ideal for extremely small type or small intricate designs.