About this business card template
Super Exotic is a sleek template that is perfect for companies in the auto sales industry or really, any company looking to adopt a modern appeal to compliment the spirit of their company. Printed on our 0.5mm thick black metal stock this card is pre-cut with an intricate pattern and uses 2 sided laser engraving, keeping the entire design sharp and clean in its delivery. Recipients recognize that your company is up-to-date in its area using industrial and futuristic elements, but can also be trusted to deliver on quality and expertise. This incredible design embodies a sense of style that is simple and uncluttered, utilizing a straightforward approach to clearly convey the overall message of your business. As a whole, this template comes together to create a professional atmosphere that is trustworthy in their competence, reliable in capabilities, and dependable when it comes to upholding standards of quality within their field.
In need of some business cards immediately but don't want to order a large quantity? At RockDesign we are now offering laser engraved black stainless steel cards for those who are in a rush. These cards have a luxury feel, with out the luxury turn around time. Regular orders have the turn around time of 3-5 business days. Rush services are also available in as little as 48 hours however these print jobs are taken on a case by case basis. Please take into consideration before choosing our laser engraved cards that laser engraving is not ideal for extremely small type or small intricate designs.