About this business card template
Our minimalist designs are the perfect way to show how you can say a lot without needing much at all, and the Motherland template serves as the perfect example of this. Printed onto a 30pt letterpress card, this lush paper is thick yet elegant, and as the name suggests is perfect for adding a letterpress feature upon it. This particular template features one color letter pressing on the front and back, creating a gold design that is both classic and clean. The charming design is impressive and luxurious without being over-the-top, promising high-quality service to a wide range of clients. The sincere vibe is perfect for florists or a business that is involved with homemade crafts, creating a warm and inviting appearance that remains undeniably stylish. Recipients are sure to admire how the layout manages to be modest without being too simple; creating an elegant and gracious appeal that mirrors the beauty and class of your company.
Our letterpress cards are produced on our 30pt uncoated cardstock. The lush and thick paper is perfect for our letter pressing techniques; This cardstock is available in both white and cream colours and is also excellent for offset printing, debossing and foil stamping. Our letter press cards are a great option for classic and clean designs and is beautiful option for companies looking to impress with out ostentation. The letter pressing technique can be used on other cardstocks as well so please email sales@rockdesign.com for custom quotes. As with all of our white premium cards printing is not included in the price so be sure to include it when using our price calculator.